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Beloved of God,

Greetings in Jesus’ name.  I trust you all had a great time.  I just wish to share this message with us all again.  Some of us might have received a similar message over the Christmas period but this is a refined version.  It is just to charge us up again.  We are living in a time when so much is happening and if we are not sensitive we might just be flowing with the trend rather than setting the trend.  We are pilgrims here and not settlers and that should dictate what we do with the time God has given us.


Matthew 3:10 states 'and now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire'


I don't know how your 2008 was but it is expedient that we aspire for a greater 2009 but not just in financial blessings but in terms of what we want to do with God and for God.  The above scripture is so serious because it does not state that the axe will be laid next year at the root.  It tells us that it already has been laid and action can be taken in an instant.  Why then would action be taken?  Unfruitfulness? No.  The production of bad fruit is the cause of being cut down.  So on one side we are expected to bear fruit but God requires good fruit.  How has your fruit bearing been year?  How many sons and daughters have you brought to glory so far?  How many were good fruit to God?  I don't believe that God is requiring how many people I invited to Special Programmes or invited to Sunday service but those that were my personal responsibility in terms of my witnessing, praying and follow-up. He is asking of those standing and doing exploits in the kingdom.  How many good fruit did I bring into the kingdom?  We can rationalize it with all the theories of the world but God is not mocked.  I have searched and discovered that I have a long way to go but what is your own verdict?   That is you want to count for God this year in a way you have never before done.  The opportunities are going to be there as always but would you seize them?  Would you maximize those moments and make them count for the Kingdom of God?  Would you determine to produce good fruit in your office this year?  It is not that hard if you lay it to heart that you would do it.  New-agers and other cults are converting people in our offices in unbelievable fashion yet they have the fake material.  We have the original therefore we can do greater things.  In your neighborhood, do you know that you are a priest over that area?  So starting a home cell to reach out should be a goal.  As you seek God for that land He will do what will draw men to that home cell.  Signs and wonders only follow those that are moving (doing God's work).  You can't follow a static object.  So until we start moving signs and wonders will remain where they are in Heaven.  So start something and see God show up.  In your church become valuable.  Don't leave it to 'them'.  It is our Father's business and we need to do it as such.  You must work with the mentality that God must be glorified.  Forget what people would say because they would always talk.  If you do something people would talk and if you don't do something they would talk as well.  So determine to do something that would glorify God not men.  Leave men alone and concentrate on God.  Men of God and Women of God, determine to release people into their destinies next year.  Don't let that dangerous spirit of insecurity find a way into your congregation where you feel everyone wants to take over your position.  Beloved, if God anointed you and appointed you, no man or devil can move you.  You just hear Him, do as he leads and you would be secure.  David never struggled for the throne and he got it with glory.  The whole world rose against him but God secured his place in history because he allowed God fight his battle.  He made his petition to God rather than complain to men.  Who have you been complaining to?  Focus on He who has called you. 


Finally, my brethren, the AXE is laid at the root of our trees.  It can remain there and the vinedresser would just come with another implement to prune us for greater production or the vinedresser would be kept away while the AXE is brought into operation.  God is not dependent on any man so he can dispose of any one at anytime.  Past exploits is not a security against being cut down.  It is how you are now that determines what He would do with you.  I pray we all remain faithful in the coming year.




Pastor Kolade Olamide Akin

Charismatic Renewal Ministries,

Harlesden, London